Batshuayi bereit
Nach einem Last-Minute-Deal ist der Belgier Michy Batshuayi nun bei
Eintracht Frankfurt. Der Ex-Dortmunder hofft auf eine schnelle
Eintracht-Premiere. Last...
Ende Gelände - Der Blog schließt seine Pforten!
Das war's Lars, Aus die Maus, Vorbei die Zeit, Die Messe ist gelesen, Die
Saat ausgesät.
Nach nunmehr 14 Jahren und 1.484 Posts wird der Blog dichtgemach...
Grebol - Fyrtio Års Slit s/s MLP
*(Grebol - Fyrtio Års Slit s/s MLP - PST Records) *Söderorts *Grebol *debuterar
"på riktigt" på en ensidig femlåtars mini-LP. Jag får för mig att de låtar...
Murderers Row - The Bully Breed CD (2011)
01. The bully breed
02. Piss poor working class
03. Might makes us right!
04. Hudson suds
05. With us or against us
06. Rat poison
07. Plunder an...
01. The Coming
02. Days of Glory
03. True Grit
04. Fighting the System
05. Warrior Tribe
06. Stormwind
07. The Getaway
08. Simple Life
09. Long Road Ahead
10. Back in History
11. Banks of the River Maes
Every year a Razorblade Release, and after their last experimental album "Gegen Die Masse" with only german lyrics, this one is back to the roots. 11 songs of HC-influenced Streetpunk with a little bit more melodies then in the past.
The guys from Holland slow down the tempo for more melodies and rock´n roll parts. For me it´s a great development, cause bands should not play the same sound on and on for years. The lyrics are like a statement for the whole scene. Never give up, stand your ground and fight for what you are.Like in the hit " Warrior Tribe" Don´t they know that we´re not fools, don´t they know that skinheads rule. The tension makes you feel alive. We Are A Warrior Tribe..Skinheads a Warrior Tribe. "Back in History(Badlands Cover)" and " The Bank Of The River Maes" are 2 absolutely great songs full of local patriotism with a little bit romance. Love it.
This one is the best Razorblade album, after the Skinheads Are Back one in 2004. Wouter and his bandmates created a great Streetpunk release full of catchy songs which gets me from the beginning.